Of all the experiences I've had, editing the pages of Edible Nutmeg has proven to consistently be the most interesting and rewarding. I have always known how rich Connecticut's small and sustainable food scene is, but the variety of characters and personalities that build that scene never cease to entertain, delight, and educate.
I'm perhaps most struck by the enthusiasm that accompanies the efforts of our state's food producers. In the face of challenges, their optimism invariably rises to the top. Time and time again I meet chefs, farmers, and entrepreneurs who are willing to pursue a harder road – and one not guaranteed to be more financially rewarding – because they believe so deeply in the work they are doing and the prosperity it will ultimately impart to their communities.
One of the hardest things I faced when I was growing up was the disparity between the idealism I was taught in school – to always do what I believed was right – and the immensely seductive opportunity to do something easier that might not ring true to my beliefs or ethics. I see this same dilemma presented to many members of our small food community and I am consistently awed by their dedication to the "harder road" of championing environmental and sustainable causes. Their work benefits all of us and I hope that you will lend your support to them as advocates and patrons.
As winter gives way to spring, I'm thankful for the agricultural bounty that will follow, and for the abundance of hard-working men and women who bring that bounty to our plates and tables. As always, Edible Nutmeg is a celebration of their innovation and spirit. I hope you enjoy reading and learning about them as much as I have, and I hope that Edible Nutmeg will, for years to come, continue to serve as an intermediary through which readers can connect and engage with the food producers who bring vitality to our small communities.
-Dana Jackson, Editor & Publisher