Mark Shadle and Ami Beach; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Mark Shadle harvests basil; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Mark Shadle harvests basil; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Mark Shadle chops basil; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Mark Shadle harvests blueberries; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Photo courtesy of G-Zen
Photo courtesy of G-Zen
Photo courtesy of G-Zen
Photo courtesy of G-Zen
Photo courtesy of G-Zen
House-made raw cashew gelato and chocolate velvet cake; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Portabella tofu Napoleon; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Raw pasta with sun-dried tomato marinara; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Raw lemon drop cheesecake with raspberry coulis; photo courtesy of G-Zen
Red pepper coconut bisque soup shooters; photo courtesy of G-Zen